Glint v0.0.2
Android: Play Glint (Delayed, Should be available on Thursday)
iOS: Play Glint
ere's what changed in this release:
Fixed the “too many dots” fail mode to be more clear. When the dots reach the top of the screen, the player dies immediately.
The general complexity of each level has been reduced - especially in the beginning of the game. Each level should be quick to play now. In general, players should advance much more quickly through the game.
Added a button to bring up the store from the pause screen
Fix the performance of the map page. Needs more work still.
Create the settings page
Fixed fonts in store to reduce memory
Added back arrow to both settings and map page
Increased the pulse speed of the buttons on the start screen
Fixed the scrollview so that store items don’t trigger on scrolling
Decreased the brightness of the bottom passthrough glow
Colored the large dots to reflect the level colors
Updated the color separation of several levels where it was difficult to distinguish between various colors.
Fixed the pause controller so that it doesn’t keep counting down the time
Made it more clear when you swipe over a defused bomb
Added bomb fuse duration to game metrics
Made it more exciting when you get close to the end of a level - needs more work.
Made a graphic indicating that the player is out of a power-up
Made bombs more evil looking - added spikes
Made the time more visible
Added world map
Made store icons
Hooked up audio settings work
Confirm the new GA plugin update didn’t break anything [iOS is working, check Android]
Fixed scrollview by making it paginated. Pagination temporarily fixes the error in the store where a strip crosses the header
Created a new app Icon
Made a test user for Apple
Fixed the scene problem that gets plauers trapped in certain screens, like the pause screen
Adjusted the darkness level when a player is about to fail. It was getting too dark
Fixed the pause button, which was triggering way too much
Fix the gameanalytics for levels to reflect their new scheme
Fixed the Vungle player to ensure a video will not play when it wasn’t requested by the player.
Hooked up Facebook integration so that players can post a screenshot to their wall
Hooked up Twitter so that players can share a screenshot
Hooked up the store to Apple and Google IAP systems
Made the jumbo swipe radius larger
Reduced the number of items in the jumbo swipe pack to increase value.
Increased the radius of the power-up nukes
Added more of Conor’s sound effects
Got rid of the level descriptions. Goals are now displayed both on the pause screen and the level intro.
Add world cards UI to introduce new worlds
- Put a tap trigger on the powerup alert so that it brings up the store